Psvane 12BH7 HiFi vacuum tube Matched Pair Electronic tube Replace 12BH7A/6N6

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PSVANE 12BH7 Vacuum Tube Replaces 12BH7A 6N6 7119 12BH7 Electronic Tube 100% original factory and brand new
12BH7:For a small nine pin medium amplification factor dual transistor, the two to three transistors are completely independent except for the hot wire.
Interpole capacitance
No.1 No.2
Gate Screen: 2.6 2.6
Input capacitance: 3.2 3.2 PF
Output capacitance: 0.5 0.4 PF
1-2 screens: 0.8 PF
Maximum rated value
Screen voltage: 300V
Screen dissipation power: 3.5W
Gate voltage: 0, -50V
Cathode current: 20 mA
Voltage between hot wire and cathode: 200V
Gate resistance: 0.25,1MΩ
Typical working characteristics
Class A1 amplification (every three pole section)
Screen voltage: 250V
Gate voltage: -10.5V
Screen current: 11.5mA
Internal resistance of the plate: 5300Ω
Mutual conductivity: 3100µA/V
Amplification factor: 16.5
Screen current: (Vg=-14V) 4mA
Gate voltage: (Ia=50 µ A) -23V