Psvane Classic Series ECC81/12AT7 tube à vide HiFi paire assortie

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Product parameters:
The high-μ dual three-pole small nine-pin tube is used for voltage amplification and drive push-pull amplification in the amplifier circuit.
Hot wire heating
UH 6.3 (parallel) 12.6 (string) V
IH 0.30 0.15 A
Limit value for A1 zoom (each side)
Anode voltage 300 V
Gate voltage -50 V
Anode dissipation power 2.5 W
Voltage between hot wire cathodes (pk) ±90 V
Gate resistance
1 MΩ at self-bias
0.25 MΩ at fixed bias
Interelectrode capacitance
Grid-grid...... 0.005 PF
Anode-anode......0.4 PF
Grid-anode (each side).............. 1.5 PF
Grid-cathode, hot wire (each side)........ 2.2 PF
Anode-cathode, hot wire (each side)........ 0.5 PF
Hot wire-cathode (each side).............. 2.4 PF
Anode-cathode (each side).............. 0.2 PF
Cathode-hot wire, grid (each side)........ 4.6 PF
Anode-hot wire, grid (each side)........ 1.8 PF
Static parameters
Ua 100 250 V
Ia 3.7 10 mA
Gm 4 5.5 mA/V
Rk 270 200 Ω
μ 60 60
ri(approx) 15 10.9 KΩ
Ug(approx) -5 -12 V
(When Ia=10μA)